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Marketing 101 – Assess Your Website’s Effectiveness

Marketing 101 – Assess Your Website’s Effectiveness

Chances are you have a website. Are you proud of it? It’s there so people can find you. Once they’ve found you, does your website drive them to want to learn more? Does it confirm the credibility of your company and put your best foot forward? 

Websites are crucial for getting in front of potential clients and showing them what they can expect. A solid website clearly defines what you do, proudly showcases your work and creates a compelling call to action. A bad website can take a wrecking ball to your chances of even seeing that RFP.

The following are keys to creating a successful website.

  1. Build a site you LOVE. If you are as proud of your website as you are of the work you perform for clients, it will show.
  2. Organize your content. Make sure your site is easy to navigate with lean headlines, subheadings, and menus.
  3. Tell your story. Own who you are, your brand and clearly communicate what makes you different.
  4. Get great visuals. This means buying a license or creating content. It’s fine to use a search engine for inspiration, but you need make sure you have the appropriate permissions for what you are putting out for consumption.
  5. Establish strong calls to action. You want your site to drive inquiries so that you can create a connection with the client.
  6. Shop your competition. See what they are doing and improve upon it. What sort of key words, language, and calls to action are they using? Is it effective?

Overwhelmed? You don’t need to be. We have plans to help you build and maintain a killer website. Contact us to see how we can build a site that works…for you.

Marketing 101 – Clearly Identify Your Tactics

Marketing 101 – Clearly Identify Your Tactics

An effective marketing plan pinpoints the ways in which you will engage with your potential clients. Print, web, and video are all things that can and should be leveraged, but it is important to remember that these should not be separate in their messages. They should reinforce the same overriding message and be consistent in tone and visuals.

  1. What social media platforms (if any) make sense for your message? Is the work you do aspirational? Pinterest boards may best showcase your work and encourage social sharing. Would you benefit from the ability to pinpoint a target audience through Facebook and Instagram?
  2. What shape does your print media take? Brochures, flyers, postcards, and mailings all serve a purpose.
  3. Would being able to share your story through video on your website or YouTube enhance your brand?
  4. Are you planning to leverage an email campaign that continues engagement beyond the initial expression of interest?

We can help you create a comprehensive and compelling marketing campaign. Contact us for more information.

Marketing 101 – Create Marketing Filters

Marketing 101 – Create Marketing Filters

You’ve determined your audience, prepared your material, and created compelling visuals that speak to your company’s abilities. How do you go about making sure they’re seen? Remember these keys:

  1. Who? Always keep in mind your core audience.  What specific needs arise that make you a necessary source of knowledge?
  2. Say?  What key words or questions will your potential clients type into their browsers to find a solution? You’ll want to use those.
  3. Do? Are you offering free information to establish yourself as an authority? Are you capturing information or simply expecting that they will continue to visit you if you are providing value?

Make sure that your message is engaging. It should resonate and provide clear message and call to action. 
Need help adding a bit of polish and creating marketing that is compelling? We can help establish you as the authority you are and create connection and engagement with your potential clients.

Marketing 101 – Schedule Your Communications

Marketing 101 – Schedule Your Communications

No contractor starts a job without having a plan. There needs to be an understanding of scope and scale. Milestones need to be set in order to understand progress.

Digital marketing is no different. Without a plan, you will find the physical work and clients at hand will distract you from cultivating future business through a compelling digital presence.

Begin with a 12 month plan:

  1. How many times per week will posts publish on your social media channels? As mentioned in earlier posts, consistency is key. If you cannot sustain regular posts, you will not get the sustained engagement necessary to be seen as an authority and source of information.
  2. Do you have content to support your posts? Begin sourcing before you ever begin your marketing push. This will make the scheduling of content easier and build the engagement habit.
  3. Who is the key individual in charge of executing the social media plan? Handing off or outsourcing responsibility can allow you to control the big picture but keep you focused where you are most needed. Let someone with the technical skills, knowledge, and engagement keep your audience involved.

We offer consulting to help you build your social media plan, robust email campaign solutions, and the ability to assist you in sourcing content. Contact us to see how we can help you jumpstart your digital presence.

Marketing 101 – Assess Your Website’s Effectiveness

Marketing 101 – Test, Evaluate & Evolve

When finding your voice in digital marketing, there is bound to be a learning curve as you find your voice and build your brand.  How do you determine what resonates with your audience?

  1. Develop multiple approaches.  This will let you to test options and see where you find the greatest organic engagement with your clients.
  2. Clearly define what it means to be successful.  Set benchmarks that can be measured through metrics and analytics.
  3. Consider landing pages to confirm what is driving traffic.  Multiple landing pages allow you to find the source of your audience (Facebook, email, SEO, ads) and focus your resources where they have the greatest impact.
  4. Set aside some budget and time to build upon what is working and refine what is not.

We offer hosting platforms with a robust back-end that will make tracking your website traffic simple and the expertise to help you understand how to build upon success or redirect from ineffectiveness. Let’s get started with a simple conversation.