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Hurry Like the Concrete Truck is Coming

Hurry Like the Concrete Truck is Coming

You need a website that works, and you need it now. Calling around, researching agencies, getting complicated bids for services you don’t want to have to understand… “aint nobody got time for that!” In the construction business, time is money. When the concrete truck is on it’s way, the job better be ready for it. We get it, and if you’re raring to go, so are we.

Welcome to the fast track

We’ve made it easier than ever – for those who are serious about getting started we’ve created a high speed way to get your new site up and running. As you know, Fast-Tracking a project requires expertise, detailed knowledge of the process, clear communication, highly effective planning and scheduling. We offer all that and more.

Contact us today and we’ll get you on the fast track!

Online and Offline – Proudly Share Your Story

Online and Offline – Proudly Share Your Story

Online, online, online… it’s all anybody ever talks about anymore. As a builder, you’re not one of those cubicle dwelling suckers who spend half of their lives poking at a keyboard and surfing the internet. You’re out in the real world, walking the walk and talking the talk.

There are times, in this real world, that you want to tell someone about your business, and it just doesn’t work to say “you should visit our website to find out more.” There are times when a first impression happens ‘in person’ and when it’s your business on the line, it’s up-close and personal. That’s when having your company’s information at your fingertips is critical.

Traditional Media… we do that too!

Business cards, glossy brochures, referral cards, banner stands and the all-important Firm Profile; they can all make you stand out from the competition. Our team knows how to use the same quality content to build your site AND create communication pieces that move your business to the big time.

Even in these ‘internet obsessed’ days, word-of-mouth referrals are still the number one way to grow your business. So give your referrer everything they need to confidently send new business your way.

Let’s get started. From a simple leave-behind brochure to an impressive Firm Profile, we’ll help you get noticed in a good way!

Measure Twice, Cut Once

Measure Twice, Cut Once

Building a house and building a website are one and the same. You need power, a solid foundation, strong framework, and a lot of fine details! Without these, your build won’t work. Making mistakes costs time and money, and no one wants that. By measuring twice and cutting once, you ensure accuracy. There’s no skipping steps with an effective website. With today’s technology there is no excuse for a poor design. You wouldn’t build a house with mud when you have nail guns and drills, right? It is time to step out of the cave man era and into the modern world.

From creating the strongest identities to building the best websites, our process is solid. Our team has the best talent & tools for the job. We’ve done the measurements, and now it’s time to give you what you want. We are all about quality and efficiency. Your site will separate you from your competition and get you more work.

Take advantage of our free initial consultation.

Marketing 101 – You Don’t Own Your Brand

Marketing 101 – You Don’t Own Your Brand

Your business has been built on hard work, craftsmanship, attention to detail, and YOU. In an effort to stand out in the marketplace, owners often try to conform to a preset notion of what they should be. For your brand to work, it is important to embrace your “YOU.” Your current clients work with you because they know you and how you operate. Your brand should be able to impress upon your future clients how you are different, not how you are the same.

Once you have found your style, stick with it. The best branding has consistent color, logo, lettering, and attitude. You begin to become familiar to your target audience and grow potential clients through recognition and reputation. Those come through repetition. If you attempt to change up your image regularly, you get the reverse desired effect. You will be lost in the crowd rather than stand out from it.

YOU DON’T OWN YOUR BRAND. Though you work to build and cultivate a brand, you do not own it. It belongs to your clients and the public. It lives in their hearts and minds and is the culmination of their experiences with your company. The best branding takes on a life of its own. Your consist brand will result in your clients’ loyalty.

Do you struggle with branding? We have an in house design staff that can help. Contact us today to begin a conversation.

Marketing 101 – Know Your Audience

Marketing 101 – Know Your Audience

Referrals are great, but how does a client find us without one? More often than not, it will be through a web search. The best way to be found is to think about how your potential client is looking.

Many businesses make the mistake of trying to cast the widest net possible in the hopes of catching the right client. In so doing, you may fail to resonate with your core client.

Take some time to think about your core customer.  What are the questions or key words would that client would plug into a search engine? What is the problem that needs to be solved? The more thorough you are in your understanding of your client’s needs and how that person will search on the web, the more effective you will be in directing them to your site.

Do you need help determining how to market or even figuring out who that core client is? Contact us to see how we can help you create an effective online marketing plan.